
These seminars and workshops are terrific for Teacher Training and In-Service Hours, Pre-school, Early Elementary, Middle School, High School, Parent-Teacher Organizations, Lunch and Learn Sessions, School Fundraisers, and can fit into Special Workshops designed for your Group.

Contact Gloria to design a curriculum to fit your needs.

Behavioral Workshops

Better Brains for Babies

Brain development begins prenatally, yet the brain is not fully developed at birth. This is a comprehensive and interactive workshop to educate adults about the latest research. Topics include: brain anatomy; brain development; foundations for learning; physical well-being; attachment play; consistency; stress and trauma; and KEY take home messages. A must workshop for all parents and other caregivers.

More about Better Brains for Babies.

Boys and Girls Learn Differently

Did you ever know deep down that your boys and girls learn differently? Participants will be introduced to the rapidly emerging research on how the brains of females and males are developmentally, structurally and functionally different. We will discuss the types of environments that help both boys and girls reach their full potential. Have fun learning the new information and develop tools to help your own children be successful in a variety of learning environments.

More about Gurian Institute.

Change Your Language, Change Their Lives

Words can be powerful motivators or blockers. Learn skills of ways to talk with children that enhance true self-esteem. Understand the difference between praise and encouragement. Learn vocabulary that promotes self-discipline and creates personal response-ability versus blaming others.

Use FLIP IT; Don't FLIP Out

FLIP-IT is designed to help young children ages 3-8 learn about their feelings, gain self-control and reduce challenging behaviors. The strategy is nothing new yet transforms best practices into something easy to remember and applicable to challenging behavior. The four steps embodied in the FLIP-IT mnemonic stands for F-Feelings L-Limits I-Inquiries, P-Prompts.

Workshop can be done as an introduction into the program or a full 6 hour presentation.

More about FLIP IT.

Kids Who Can, Yet Won't

Do wonder what it will take to get your child or student motivated? Have you ever felt that anything you try just backfires? Understand why traditional techniques make the problem worse. Learn strategies for reaching the apathetic child no matter what their age. Learn how to rebuild your child's internal drive to learn and remove the power struggles.

No, I Won't and You Can't Make Me!

Are you tired of fighting with your children over everything from going to bed to eating their peas? Discover what's behind power struggles and strategies that help children comply without defiance. You will learn how to prevent power struggles and steps for helping children develop free will without stepping over the boundaries of others.

Parenting with NO

Research shows that self-discipline is twice as strong a predicator of school and life successes than intelligence. Learn and practice tips on ways to say NO without creating power struggles. Strategies discussed on ways to help children develop self-discipline. Learn and discuss why parents have a difficult time saying No to their children and ways parents can support each other.

More about Parenting with NO.

Power Parenting: How to Build Great Brains in Seven Key Steps

Parents want their children to have happy successful lives. Parents are bombarded with information, advice, opinions and products telling them how to best feed, discipline, supervise and educate their children. This fusion of old and new information produces the 7 Essential Golden Rules that cut through the clutter, hype and misinformation to provide you with solid, time-tested and research backed parenting guidance.

Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-Indulgent World

It is important to develop opportunities in our homes and classrooms to help children develop their self-esteem. Self-esteem comes from things that children can do for themselves and not what others do for them. A sense of purpose and belief in the future are strong predicators of positive outcomes for children. Learn ways to provide children with opportunities to handle adverse experiences with sense of challenge and confidence in their own abilities.

More about Positive Discipline.

Sportscasting Your Child's Struggles

Sportscasting is a term infant specialist Magna Gerber coined to describe the non-judgmental "just the facts- verbalization of events. Sportscasters don't judge, fix, blame, shame or get emotionally involved- the process keeps children emotionally safe and provides them with lifelong tools to deal with struggles. Learn new verbal skills so you can take on the new role of sportscaster!

Teens You Gotta Love 'Em

In a time when we feel the most disconnected with our children, they need us the most! We will learn skills of reconnecting with our teens. Learn strategies for understanding the developmental, physical and emotional growth of our teens. Learn about the teen brain! Discover how the conflict got started in the first place! Learn techniques to remain calm, so you can negotiate agreements that maintain the dignity of you and your child.

There's Got to be a Better Way

Conscious Discipline® is an emotional intelligence program developed by Dr. Becky Bailey, consisting of Brain Smart Strategies for helping adults and children cope with life's events, by turning conflict into cooperative learning events. We learn how to approach situations that keep us calm so we can respond versus react. As we problem solve, we build relationships to help children internalize motivation without using bribes, rewards or coercion!

More about Conscious Discipline®.

Transforming Aggression: Helping Those Who Hurt

Adults get emotionally charged when children display aggressive behavior. Participants will be able to identify the 3 types of aggressive behavior (accidental, instrumental and hostile). We will discuss and learn the 5 ways we promote aggressive behavior in children without even realizing it. Several strategies will be suggested to change the behavior and most importantly rebuild connections.

Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach®

The Nurtured Heart Approach® is a strengths based approach to build inner wealth in children and adults. The Nurtured Heart Approach® is a philosophy of creating healthy relationships and recognizing that everyone has inherent greatness. Instead of energizing negativity, we learn how to maximize behaviors by noticing, reinforcing and celebrating even the smallest moments of success.

Gloria is an Advanced Trainer for The Nurtured Heart Approach™.

True Parenting -Introduction

True Colors is a personality assessment that provides a method of valuing differences and creating unity in families, businesses and various organizations. This knowledge helps foster deeper family ties through the understanding of each person's True Colors®. We learn to recognize the values, joys, strengths, stressors of each child's personality type as well as your own. Armed with this knowledge, we can deepen our parenting relationships and enhance communication.

More about True Colors International.

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking

Parents and other adults are the most important models in a child's life. We are teaching our children powerful lessons by how we act versus what we say. Our actions have a direct impact on how our children respond and whether they become problem solvers or problem blamers. Techniques provided to help adults focus on what they want versus what we don't want. When we change what we do our children will respond differently.

Self-Care Programs

Fuel Your Brain with Nutrition, Exercise and Sleep

Our brain takes up 2-3% of our body mass, yet uses 20-30% of the food we eat daily to run efficiently and effectively. The focus is to understand the importance of nutrition to a well-functioning brain. What we feed our brain impacts our ability to learn, our mood and overall health. Learn the key role sleep and exercise play in developing a "fit- brain. Come prepared to go home with ideas for a healthy brain that is ready to take on all tasks.

Putting On Your Own Oxygen Mask: What Really Happens When You're Stressed and What You Can Do to Conquer Stress.

Managing stress is important to all aspects of our well-being. Scientists now report that chronic stress has a physical impact on the brain. Currently 75%-90% of all doctors' visits are for stress related illnesses. When we feel stresses, we lose access to our creativity and clarity of purpose. This workshop provides fun creative ways to put joy back in our lives. When we model emotional well-being and a zest for living, our children will follow.